Jerry Brown Heads to China to Get ‘Billions’ in Investment The Sacramento Bee

China is California’s third-largest trading partner, behind Mexico and Canada. California’s merchandise export trade with China amounted to about $14 billion last year, and China is an emerging – if relatively small – source of foreign direct investment in the United States.

For Brown, said Schell, "The real thing is to clinch some big-ticket deals."

According to an October report for the Asia Society by the research firm Rhodium Group, California attracted about $1.3 billion in investment deals from China from 2000 to 2011, with the largest investments in the software and information technology, leisure and entertainment and communications industries.

The analysts said the state has the potential to attract $10 billion to $60 billion in direct investment from China by 2020.

via Jerry Brown heads to China to get 'billions' in investment – Gov. Jerry Brown – The Sacramento Bee.