Author: admin

Human Rights in China The New York Review of Books

On the anniversary of the “June 4” incident, we again express our gravest concern for the fates of those who have been persecuted for their support of democratic progress in China. We hope that the Chinese government can abide by…

Keeping the Faith by Fang Lizhi The New York Review of Books

On June 4, the day after the People’s Liberation Army opened fire on the citizens of Beijing, the distinguished Chinese astrophysicist and dissident intellectual, Fang Lizhi, reluctantly sought refuge in the American embassy in Beijing with his physicist wife, Li…

Letters from the Other China The New York Review of Books

During the student demonstrations that swept China toward the end of 1986, the brilliant astrophysicist Fang Lizhi, who was then vice-president of the University of Science and Technology, emerged, through his speeches to student groups, as the country’s most forceful…

China’s Andrei Sakharov The Atlantic

When I returned to Beijing in the fall of 1986, after an absence of six months, it was hard not to feel disoriented by the sudden change in political climate. During the previous spring and summer, political and intellectual life…

Glimpses of Old China in Modern Beijing New York Times

EVERY TIME I RETURN TO BEIJING AND SEE its skyline growing with cell-blocklike high-rise apartments, drive through its charmless streets and have to breathe the polluted air, I am reminded of how far the city has drifted from its past…

Seeing China Like a Capitalist New York Times

From the inside of a 23-foot 3-inch-long blue-black Fleetwood Brougham Cadillac stretch limousine with a 5-liter V-8 engine, vinyl roof, whitewall tires, air-conditioning, push-button (and tinted) windows, color television, AM-FM radio, dual refrigerators, bar stocked with Gorham lead-filled crystal glasses,…

Letter from China: To Get Rich Is Glorious The New Yorker

LETTER FROM CHINA about the boom in illicit publishing and the opening commercial Radio & TV channels in China. WriterJia Lusheng, survivor of Tiananmen Square crackdown, is in the forefront of a new style of Chinese journalism, known as baogao…

An Oasis of Privilege in China New York Times

Each evening a middle-aged woman in a simple print dress sits down at a large grand piano set to one side of the hotel lobby and begins to play Mozart, Beethoven and Chopin from sheet music that is so aged…


Off The Grand Canal, A Simple Vevetian Inn

”It’s not necessary for you to be saying, ‘Grazie, grazie, grazie,’ all the time,” Adriano Carrettin is saying to a pretty young painter from Kansas who is struggling to arrange for a room in Italian. ”You see, it’s us men who should be saying ‘thank you’ to all the women like you for just being beautiful.” Laughing, Mr. Carrettin reaches across the small marble bar in front of him and clasps the flustered young woman on the shoulder.